A TECHO BFF is our monthly donor program. When you sign up to become a monthly donor, you become part of a network of changemakers that contribute monthly to the work we do every day. Monthly donations allow us to plan and help more families in need. Any amount is welcome. You’ll also get updates on the latest projects, so you can rest assured, your donation is going to be changing lives. You also sign up for the benefits of becoming a BFF, such as TECHO Swag, TECHO events, and other perks!

Your Donation at Work

Your donation will go straight to the heart of TECHO’s fight against poverty, delivering emergency kits, building homes, creating proper infrastructure, and transforming the lives of thousands of families in the slums of Latin America and the Caribbean. Our teams deploy critical efforts every day, and according to the most pressing needs, we will allocate your donations.

Projects your donation funds

Water Towers

Water Towers

Designed for communities where access is limited, and there is no connection to the public service network. They can be single-family or community.

Hand-washing Stations

Hand-washing Stations

These community sinks are a solution to mitigate the transmission of harmful viruses and germs and prevent healthcare-associated infections in the communities due to the lack of access to water or sanitation at home.

Community Centers

Community Centers

The community center is a fast and scalable alternative, conceived as a meeting space for an entire community. Some of its uses can be a social center, education center, space for emergency care, community dining room, or local goods manufacturing space.

Sanitary Units

Sanitary Units

Designed for personal hygiene and to separate human defecation from contact with people, reducing human exposure to disease. It provides a clean environment composed of a handwashing station, a toilet, and a urinal based on ecological bathing. It’s a solution designed for areas of difficult access to a hydro-sanitary infrastructure.

Emergency Homes

Emergency Homes

It stands on 12 piles and is raised from the ground to protect from moisture, floods, and pests. The sheathing material varies depending on the country (OSB, plywood, etc.) This simple construction system allows families and volunteers to participate without considerable technical training. These are the homes we build on our US-travel building trips.

Medical Centers

Medical Centers

The Emergency Care Center provides care for people with cases related to SARS CoV-2. It can also be used for primary medical care. It has a capacity for nine beds, following the recommended distance for this type of space; cleaning and disinfection area for medical personnel and entrance areas for patients. It is a solution designed for areas of difficult access, which do not have a health infrastructure nearby.

One time donations

You cannot contribute on a monthly bases? No worries! You can still contribute to our cause as a one time donor, just switch your donation frequency to One-time and you’re set! You can join as a TECHO BFF whenever you feel ready.