TECHO presentará en evento de las Naciones Unidas: extrema pobreza y vivienda adecuada TECHO to present at Human Rights Council side-event: Extreme poverty and adequate housing in Latin America

Genebra, Marzo 12 2014, la Directora de Techo EU, Ignacia Ossul formará parte de un panel de las Naciones Unidas que debatirán temas relacionado con pobreza, vivienda adecuada y la agenda post-2015.

Temas de interés

El evento, convocado por el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las UN y el Special Rapporteur de vivienda adecuada, tomará lugar a las 14.00hrs en la sala XXII. La discusión ofrecerá a los académicos y policymakers presentes una oportunidad para compartir y debatir medidas para promocionar y apoyar la inclusión social en un contexto latinoamericano. Además el evento promocionara al trabajo que cumple las naciones unidas en superar pobreza y por ultimo ofrecerá a ONGs la oportunidad de compartir casos de best practice en la lucha contra la pobreza. Unos temas preseleccionados de la discusión incluyen; la vivienda, la seguridad de la tenencia, slum upgrading estratégico, pobreza y la exclusión social en locales urbanos, política inclusiva y los desalojos forzosos.


Para lograr lo de arriba, en el evento convocarán especialistas de las NU, Académicos y ONGs que se centran en estos temas y en la inclusión social. Un listado preliminar de los participantes incluye: Special Rapporteur de vivienda adecuada, Raquel Rolnik, miembros de los países GRULAC (TBC), el Director del maestro del desarrollo social de DPU, University College of London, Alex Frediani, Lorena Sárate, Presidente de la coalición internacional de Habitat y Ignacia Ossul – Director Techo.

Si quieres mas información sobre el evento o para comunicar otros temas de interés para la discusión

Escribele a Ignacia OssulGeneva, March 12th 2014, Techo EU Executive Director Ignacia Ossul will sit on a UN panel that intends to bring Latin American housing and poverty into focus as a critical human rights issue in the context of the post 2015 agenda.


On February 2012, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution entitled “promoting social integration through social inclusion”, which stated that “the promotion of sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth is necessary to achieve poverty eradication and should be complemented, as appropriate, by effective social protection policies, including social inclusion policies”[1].

Now, two years on, this panel will attempt to shed light on these two issues: poverty and social exclusion. In Latin America and the Caribbean more than 75% of the population lives in cities, making it the most urbanised developing region in the world [2]. At the same time, poverty and increasing inequality are important challenges in the region, with more than 134 million live in informal settlements [3].

Accordingly the provision of affordable, accessible and adequate housing is a key element to tackling these issues. Latin America is characterised by its diverse land and housing strategies and increasing efforts on slum upgrading, which recognise the importance of location and networks for social, economical and political inclusion. As is highlighted by several key human rights documents, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, housing is an inherent human right [4].

Topics of interest

In recognition of the above The Human Rights Council and the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing has called for a side event, which will take place from 14.00hrs in Room XXII, create a platform for special rapporteurs and academics to share measures to fight social exclusion through housing in Latin America, will promote the work of the UN on housing and extreme poverty and finally will allow NGOs to share cases of best practice in the fight against poverty in Latin America. Preselected issues to be raised during the event include; housing, security of tenure, strategic slum upgrading, poverty and social exclusion of the urban poor, poverty, social exclusion and access to housing, inclusive policy and forced evictions.


To achieve the above, the event will bring together UN specialists, academics, States and non-governmental organisations that give focus to the issue of housing, poverty and social inclusion policies. A preliminary list of panelists includes: Special Rapporteur on adequate housing, Raquel Rolnik, GRULAC members (TBC), the Director of the Master of Social Development at DPU, University College of London, Alex Frediani, Lorena Sárate, President of Habitat International Coalition and Ignacia Ossul – Techo Director.

If you would like more information about the event or to send in other areas for discussion

Write to Ignacia Ossul

[1] UNGA, A/RES/66/122, 2 February 2012. This resolution was presented and defended by the mission of Peru.

[2] See UN Habitat (2011), Affordable land and housing in Latin America and the Caribbean. Volume 1.

[3] See UN Habitat (2011), Affordable land and housing in Latin America and the Caribbean. Volume 1.

[4] See Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, general comment No. 4 (1991) on the right to adequate housing; African Commission on the right to adequate housing and protection from forced evictions.

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